We hope the information below will answer some of your Emma–related questions!
How will I be taught in College?
We provide small–group teaching, known as 'supervisions'. These are held with our academics, who are at the forefront of their subject's research. You also have a personal subject–specific Director of Studies (DoS), as well as your 'supervisor'. They are responsible for your academic progress & development. All students have access to our private & Library study spaces.
What Welfare & Support do you offer?
We have dedicated Wellbeing Teams who help our students flourish both personally & academically. The teams consist of our College Officers, the Tutor team, & other wellbeing staff. We can offer financial support to any of our students who need it. Our Tutors & Porters always on hand to help in any situation. The College is strongly committed to the principle of freedom of speech & all forms of expression. We provide a safe environment, free from harassment.
What is life in College like?
Our students study hard & achieve great successes. Non–academic life in College has everything from relaxing in the beautiful gardens and formal dinners in Hall, to our Emma sports squads and community events. We have music & rehearsal rooms for our wide range of societies. Our sports teams play (and often win!) matches & tournaments around the University. All undergraduates are allocated a private room, most of which are on the College site. These all have either en–suite or shared facilities, including small kitchenettes (known as 'gyp rooms'—with limited cooking facilities). We also have a free (!) College Laundry, which is run by our Household staff. Our community of students help freshers orientate themselves when they start, and during their time here. We have incredibly welcoming students, who will quickly make you feel at home in our Emmanuel family!
How is the College run?
As with the other colleges in the University of Cambridge, Emmanuel is governed by a Master & Body of Fellows (the 'Fellowship'). This 'Governing Body' follows the College Statutes, which are regularly reviewed. The Fellowship is made up of our academic teachers & researchers. They include those both currently working in the University, and retired.