Term Dates

University of Cambridge Full Term

The University's academic year starts on 1 October, and finishes on 30 September. There are three terms per year: Michaelmas Term (October–December), Lent Term (January–March) and Easter Term (April–June).

Each teaching term for undergraduate students (also known as Full Term) is eight weeks long. Postgraduate students operate on the basis of the academic year, which extends beyond the end of the Easter term.

Academic Year
Michaelmas Term
Lent Term
Easter Term
8 October - 6 December
21 January - 21 March
29 April - 20 June
7 October - 5 December
20 January - 20 March
28 April - 19 June
6 October - 4 December
19 January - 19 March
27 April - 18 June
  • University Term Dates
    Each Full Term consists of 3/4 of the whole University term. In order to qualify for a degree, students must live in Cambridge for a minimum number of nights per term. This is 60 for the whole of Michaelmas & Lent Terms, and 53 for the whole Easter Term. This is known as a 'kept' term, and is stated in the University of Cambridge degree regulations.
  • Degree Ceremony Dates
    The College presents candidates for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees to the University in person, only on certain dates. Candidates may proceed in absence on other dates. However this means that the degree cannot then be conferred in person at a later ceremony. The General Admission (the degree ceremony mainly for undergraduate awards) is held in June at the University's Senate House. Emmanuel students are normally presented for graduation on the Friday. Further information is on our Graduation pages.

Emmanuel College Normal Period of Residence (NPR)

The College operates a system of Normal Periods of Residence (NPR). This allows students to be in residence in the College for a few days at either end of Full Term. Rents paid by undergraduates cover only NPR. Student are able to stay in College after the end of NPR for necessary and legitimate reasons. Arrangements need to be agreed by the Bursar and Accommodation Manager, and students should contact their Tutor in the first instance.

Only the dates until 2024/2025 are confirmed, dates in later years are provisional.

Academic Year
Michaelmas Term
Lent Term
Easter Term
2 October - 10 December
15 January - 26 March
19 April - 28 June
1 October - 9 December
14 January - 25 March
18 April - 27 June
30 September - 8 December
13 January - 24 March
17 April - 26 June