Our supporters have enabled us to help students in many ways over the years, from providing grants to those facing financial hardship, to raising aspirations through our access and outreach work.
We believe that students should have access to a brilliant education irrespective of their social background, and that finances should never prevent students from benefiting fully from the opportunities on offer to them while at Emma.
Donations help us support students at every stage of their journey to and through Emma and Cambridge, enabling:
- talented young people from less-advantaged backgrounds to see that higher education at leading universities can be for them, through our programme of access and outreach activities
- undergraduates from low-income families to come to Cambridge through the university bursary scheme
- exceptional graduate students to come to Emma, by ensuring that we can offer financial support to all outstanding applicants who need it
- all students to flourish and make the most of their time at Emma, by supporting them to take up extra-curricular activities, internships and voluntary roles with charities and NGOs.
Examples of funds established since 1993 have included:
- The Support Fund, to help students with financial difficulties remain at Emmanuel and make the most of their time at the College
- The Brewer-Welbourne Fund, set up to ensure that no-one who has demonstrated the ability, potential and character to benefit from an Emmanuel education need be deprived of the opportunity to come here, or to continue once here, for want of personal means
- The Late Eighties Fund, a hardship fund set up by members who matriculated between 1985 and 1989. More information about the Fund is available.
Members and friends have also supported extracurricular activities, for example:
- The Simon Church Fund has been used to support the Boat Club, including buying a new boat for the Men's first VIII, and equipping and furnishing the coaching room in the Boathouse
- The Performing Arts Fund has been established
- The Burnaby Fund has received donations to support music