Teaching & Research
College teaching and research have been enhanced since 1993 by establishing:
- The John Henry Coates non-stipendiary Research Fellowship: the current Fellow is Harvey Dale
- The Roger Ekins Fellowship: the current Fellow is Jessica Taylor
- The Mead Fellowship in Economics: the current Fellow is Saite Lu
- The Meggitt Fellowship in Mathematical sciences: the current Fellow is Stacey Law
- The Alan Wilson Research Fellowship: the current Fellow is Peace Atakpa
Academic pursuits by students have been encouraged by establishing funds including:
- The E R Sands travel scholarship fund
- The Peter Morris scholarships for postgraduates engaged in research in history or politics
- Adrian Martinez scholarships for postgraduates of Emmanuel who stay on to carry out research in music
- The Rogers Fund, to support laboratory work by students
- The India Trust, primarily to fund scholarships for Indian students
- Panton Trust grants to enable junior members to take part in projects concerned with animals or wildlife in any part of the world, or with the environment in the United Kingdom
- The Sansom Fund to purchase computer equipment and software for students with particular financial difficulties
- The Gerard Evans Fund for travel to the USA for academic purposes
- The Freddie Odgers and David Williams Funds to support the study and teaching of Law
Endowed Prizes including:
- The Bokhari English Prize: for a College Prize in English for the best first in the English Tripos
- The Elisabeth and Derek Brewer Prize: for a College Prize in English, for a first in Part 1 of the English Tripos
- The Robert Dobson memorial prize, alternating between sciences and modern languages
- The Brewer Hall poetry prize for the best original collection of poems in English (a university-wide prize, administered by Emmanuel)