Fellows & Researchers

A 'Fellow' is someone elected under the College Statutes to share in the governance of the College as a member of our Governing Body, and to undertake teaching, research and/or administrative duties. All of our College Officers, including Tutors & Admissions Tutors are Fellows. Most of our Director of Studies (DoSs) are also drawn from the 'Fellowship'.

Under the College Statutes there are different categories of Fellow:

  • Official Fellows & Professorial Fellows normally hold a College Lectureship, and teach undergraduates in their subject. They are also active in research. Most hold a University appointment (as a Lecturer or Professor), but some hold a fulltime College Office as a College Teaching Officer, or in a College administrative role.
  • Research Fellows are postdoctoral researchers, elected by the College for a period of three years. They often do some undergraduate supervising, but their primary role is to pursue their own research.
  • Someone who has been a Fellow for 25 years or more can become a Life Fellow. They continue to be members of the Governing Body until the age of 70, and often continue with faculty duties, and teaching & research.

We also use the title 'Fellow' to refer to others who have a close association with the College. They are not members of the Governing Body and are not responsible for College governance, but contribute to the College in other ways.

  • Emeritus Fellows are those who have been Fellows for seven years, before retiring from the College & the University. They often continue to be active in their research area, and some still teach.
  • Honorary Fellows are usuallybut not exclusivelyelected from amongst the College membership, and are chosen for their achievements in public life.
  • ByeFellows are appointed by virtue of a teaching or other significant association with the College.

In addition, we use the title of College Research Associate (CRA) for postdoctoral researchers who assist the College in various ways, most usually through undergraduate teaching or through research collaboration with a Fellow of the College.

You can find below a searchable list of our entire Fellowship:

90 Fellows listed:

Photo of Professor Frank Jiggins

Professor Frank Jiggins MA, PhD

Official Fellow

Professor of Evolutionary Genetics

Photo of Professor Alexandre Kabla

Professor Alexandre Kabla MA (E.N.S. Lyon), PhD

Official Fellow

Tutor; Director of Studies in Engineering
Professor of Mechanobiology

Photo of Dr Monika Kudlinska

Dr Monika Kudlinska MSc (Bristol), DPhil (Oxon)

Research Fellow

Director of Studies in Mathematics

Photo of Dr Camille Lardy

Dr Camille Lardy MA, PhD

Research Fellow

Teaching Associate & Affiliate Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology

Photo of Professor Dominique Lauga

Professor Dominique Lauga Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Ecole Polytechnique), Corps des Ponts et Chaussées (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées), MA (Université Paris 1), PhD (MIT)

Official Fellow

Tutor; Director of Studies in Economics
& Management Studies; Professor of Marketing at Cambridge Judge Business School

Photo of Professor Finian Leeper

Professor Finian Leeper MA, PhD

Life Fellow

Reader in Biological Chemistry

Photo of Dr Saite Lu

Dr Saite Lu BSc (Ulster), MPhil (Oxon), PhD (Cantab)

Research Fellow

Adviser to BAME Students; Director of Studies in Economics
Mead Fellowship in Economics