College Archives
The College Archives contain a diverse range of documents recording the history of Emmanuel College and its members.
The Collection
- Records of the college survive in unbroken series from its foundation in 1584, but the collection also contains many older documents, the earliest of which are mid-twelfth century in date.
- Documents in the Archives relate to all aspects of the college's history and include:
- formal administrative records such as the original college statutes and orders
- minutes of the Governing Body and other committees
- records of the construction and maintenance of the college buildings and grounds
- bursary & domestic accounts
- minute books of college clubs and societies and records of student life
- records of college Masters, Fellows and students
- title deeds and other records relating to the college's historic landholdings
- prints, engravings, photographs, maps & plans
- a fast-growing audio-visual and digital collection
- The College welcomes researchers, but access to the Archives is by appointment only. Requests to visit should be sent by email to the College Archivist; a letter of introduction may be required.
- No catalogues are available online at present.
- Items less than 50 years old will not normally be produced, unless they are of a non-confidential nature, and longer closure periods may apply to certain records.
- In conformity with the Data Protection Act of 2018, no personal data relating to living, identifiable, individuals will be made available to researchers.
Opening Hours
- Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 1030–1600; only by appointment.
- Appointments must be made at least a week in advance.
Contact Details
- Fellow Archivist & Curator of the Douglas Finlay Museum of College Life: Dr Sarah Bendall MCLIP
- College Archivist: Miss Amanda Goode MA MArAd
- Tel: 01223 334292 (College Archivist)
- Email:
- We welcome donations of College-related material which fall within the Archives’ collecting policy, which can be arranged via email to the Archivist.
- The Douglas Finlay Museum of College Life holds our collection of non-archival memorabilia. More information can be provided by contacting the Curator.