Opt Out of Hard Copies

Choosing to opt out of hard copy documents

A hard copy pack of all the documents listed below will be posted to your contact address in September:

  • Freshers' Guide to College Life;
  • ECSU Freshers' Timetable;
  • ECSU Freshers' Guide;
  • College Regulations/Domestic Matters/Health and Safety;
  • International Freshers' Guide and International Freshers Week Timetable.

If you would like this to happen, you do NOT need to complete this form.

Alternatively, you can decide to opt out of hard copies by completing the form below.

Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with these documents in the electronic format prior to completing this form by 4pm on Monday 26 August 2024.

Undergraduate Fresher Student Details

Please note that by completing and submitting this form you undertake to fully familiarise yourself with these documents in the electronic format.