College Admissions Policy

Our Policy for Admissions can be found below, and any queries should be directed to the Emmanuel College Admissions Office.

College Admissions Policy:

  • We are happy to talk with prospective candidates or their teachers, either informally, or formally when they are trying to decide whether or not to apply to Cambridge/what course to apply for/what college to apply to etc.
  • Once an application has been received we will send emails/letters concerning the formalities of interviews, other aspects of the admissions procedure and decisions on offers to the candidate. Discussion of any other matters pertaining to the application will only be with the school.
  • The College will send feedback to schools for applicants who have been interviewed at the College, but have failed to secure an offer, either in the first instance from Emmanuel or subsequently from a pool College. The College strongly encourages schools to disclose the contents of these emails to candidates, but disclosure is at the schools’ discretion. The College is not under any obligation to send feedback, but recognises its value both to the candidate and to schools.
  • We will not accept feedback requests from parents/guardians or education management companies.
  • Admissions complaints and appeals.
  • We are unable to engage in any discussion with candidates who have failed to receive an interview or an offer, or with their parents/guardians. Any such approach to the College will be directed to the candidate’s school. Additionally, we will not engage with the parents/guardians of offer holders, who fail to have their place confirmed following exam results.
  • It is important to note that any offer of a place of study at the College for an undergraduate degree will be subject to a range of terms and conditions which will be set out in an Offer Letter from the College. In particular, any offer of a place will be conditional upon you completing the qualifications outlined in your UCAS application and you obtaining, by the 31st August of the year in which the offer is made, the examination results specified in the Offer Letter from the College.