Queen's Building
The award-winning Queen’s Building contains an 130-seat theatre, the MCR, reception and seminar rooms, and music practice facilities.
The theatre is well used by the College for lectures, Music Society concerts and Burnaby Recitals, plays by REDS, talks on admissions open days and much more. It is also booked as a conference facility. There are three seminar rooms, a very well used MCR, a supervision room and two music practice rooms.
The building was designed by Sir Michael and Patty Hopkins and is constructed of Ketton limestone, quarried from the same source as that from which Wren's Chapel was built in 1673. The construction combines the strength of the stone exterior walls, with the spanning potential and mass of concrete for the floors. The roof is finished in lead and American White Oak appears extensively in the roof and panelling. It was opened by HM The Queen in 1995.