How to Find Books
All the books in the College Library are listed in the Emmanuel College Library Catalogue.
It is possible to search the catalogue using the search box at the top of the Home Page without logging on, and this is available to all. Alumni of College can use this option to search the College Library Catalogue.
Emmanuel College Library books are also listed in the University Library’s catalogue. Our Catalogue however has the most up to date information and also includes entries for books on order.
Use the College Library Catalogue also to search for early printed books in the College's collections. These are not searchable via i-Discover. Not all the College's early printed books are yet in the College's on-line catalogue. This is still a project in progress.
Current College members who are registered to use the Library can log on to check their library accounts to find out how many books they have out on loan, when books are due for return to the Library and to renew and reserve books. To log on, a password is needed: a temporary one is issued at registration, and should be changed as soon as possible.
The Library’s books are classified by a form of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. It is not pure Dewey, and was adapted to an in-house scheme. Please ask a member of the Library staff if you need help to find a book.
Missing Books
If the Catalogue states that a book is available, but it is not on the shelves, please check the shelving trolleys and readers desks.
If it is missing, report this to the Reception Desk or via