Current members of the College must register for an account, and have an induction to use the College Library and to borrow books.
To arrange a Library Induction appointment to register, please contact the Library directly.
Borrowing from the Library
- Books can be borrowed and returned 24/7 using the Self-Service terminal at the entrance of the Library.
- Book Loan Allowance: 10 books
- Loan Period: Undergraduates = 14 days in term time, otherwise vacation loan period
- Postgraduates = 28 days in term time, otherwise vacation loan period.
Medical Sciences Short-Loan Collection
- Book Loan Allowance: A maximum of two books only can be borrowed at any one time from the Short-Loan Collection.
- Loan period: 24 hour loan (red label on spine)
Cloke Film Collection
- DVD Loan Allowance: 2 DVDs maxiumum
- Loan period: 48 hours
- To borrow a DVD from the Cloke Collection issue the DVD to your library account via the Self-service machine. Return DVDs via the Self-service machine and post them in the DVD drop slot in the side of the Self-Service terminal desk.
Book Reminders and Overdues
Vacation loans began on 10 June 2024. Books borrowed on or after this date can be loaned over the summer and are due for return on 3 October 2024.
Library users are responsible for returning the books they have out on loan on or before their due date.
Reminders and overdue book notices are generated by the Library’s automated management system via e-mail and should not be replied to. These email notices however should not be relied on to indicate when books are due for return to the Library.
Books can be renewed as long as another Library user has not requested them, and as long as they have not become overdue.