Dr Richard Barnes
MA, PhD, MB, BChir
Life Fellow
Richard was brought up on a council estate in Cambridge and educated under the old direct grant system at the Perse School. He studied natural sciences for medicine at Cambridge and then, by a series of serendipitous events, ended up as a University Senior Lecturer in Physiology at Cambridge. His main research interests are in heart, circulation and early human development. In Cambridge his main educational interest, apart from lecturing, has been in facilitating access and outreach work, both through the college and the university. He has participated in masterclasses, particularly in South Yorkshire, which is one of the college’s link areas, and has run many summer schools for the university. He is also Chair of the Villiers Park Educational Trust which seeks to create social mobility by providing education opportunities for gifted children from underprivileged backgrounds. He is an Executive Chair of the Thomas Deacon Academy.
Teaching Interests
- Former winner of Pilkington Prize for teaching
- 2015 winner of one of the CUSU prizes for supervision teaching
Aerobic capacity in athletes