Regular Services
Sunday Services
Sunday 6pm Evensong
Evensong is service of words – words sung, prayed, read and preached. It is the traditional service for evening and is led by the Choir. It includes a sermon, often given by a visitor to the College, designed to promote thoughtful reflection on the Christian Faith and the issues that it raises. The service is followed by drinks in the Old Library.
Weekday Services
Thursday 6pm Sung Eucharist
The Eucharist is the distinctive act of the Christian community. In it the scriptures are read and expounded and the central events of Jesus’ death and resurrection are re-presented in bread and wine. The service lasts about 45 minutes, finishing before the end of informal hall.
Wednesday 9pm Compline
Compline is an atmospheric candlelit service for late evening. The services will take a variety of forms, each lasting about 15 minutes.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer is said each weekday at 8.45am
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