Postgraduate Accommodation

Emmanuel has at present 142 postgraduate rooms and seven flats for couples. All new postgraduate students whose admission is confirmed by 1 August are usually offered accommodation for the first year of their course. The College can normally house most postgraduates students for the 3 years of their course. We do not normally know if there are rooms available until July at the earliest.


  • 38 rooms in Barnwell Hostel on Newmarket Road near the river, 15 minutes walk from the main College site .
  • 32 rooms in Blantyre Hostel on Glisson Road, 10 minutes walk from the main College site. There is a living room and TV room.
  • 14 rooms in Park Lodge and 6 in 2 Park Terrace on the edge of the main College site.
  • 15 rooms in 33 & 43 Tenison Road near Mill Road, 15 minutes walk from the main College site.
  • 8 rooms in Cutter Ferry House on Cutter Ferry Path by the river, 15 minutes walk from the main College site.
  • 2 further houses accommodating 29 students on Hills Road near to Addenbrookes Hospital. These rooms are usually reserved for clinical medical students.

We welcome applications from those with children but regret that we cannot, at present, offer suitable accommodation.

Students who do not live in College accommodation generally rent privately. Help in finding somewhere to live can be found through the University Accommodation Service.

Accommodation Notes and Conditions

  • All rooms are furnished and you may not bring additional furniture without permission from the Bursar.
  • All rooms are for a single occupancy with a single bed, and there is no living room.
  • Most rooms have a shared bathroom.
  • Room rents for 2024/25 are as follows:
  • Grade Weekly rent
    1 £153.45
    2 £165.87
    3 £178.17
    4 £190.48
    5 £202.79
    6 £215.21
    7 £227.51


    * Please note that these figures include the Contribution to Fixed Costs (CFC) at the full rate (for those living on the College site). Postgraduates in College flats or not living in College-owned accommodation do not pay CFC.

  • The rent includes cleaning, heating and lighting, basic contents insurance and the computer network.
  • These figures are those for postgraduates resident for 10 weeks each term on the main College site. They are thus a maximum. Students living away from the main site, who pay a reduced CFC will pay slightly less, and those resident through the year are only charged for 12 weeks rent per quarter in each 13 week period, or fewer depending on the requirements of your course.
  • Please note, that Emma does not offer accommodation to non-members and part-time students.