Dr David Livesey
MA, PhD, BSc(Eng) (Lond), ACGI, DUniv (Derby)
Life Fellow
He graduated from Imperial College where he studied electrical engineering. As a postgraduate student at Cambridge in control engineering his interest turned to economics while writing his thesis on the modelling and control of the UK economy. During his postdoctoral research, as a Research Officer in the Department of Applied Economics and as a Research Fellow of Peterhouse, he spent a year at the University of California Berkeley in their Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In 1975 he was appointed to lecture on economics in the Engineering Department as part of their Management Studies Group, out of which grew Judge Business School. During this period he spent a sabbatical year as a Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in their Department of Economics.
He was an Official Fellow of Emmanuel College from 1974-1991 for part of which time he was Director of Studies in Economics, Tutor, Acting Senior Tutor(1982-83) and Bursar (1983-1991). More recently he was Vice-Master (2006-11).
From 1992 to 2003 he was the Secretary General of the Faculties, the University's principal adviser on academic policy. He spent the year 2000 on secondment as the initiating Cambridge Director of the Cambridge-MIT Institute.
From 2005 to 2009 he was Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities.
More recently he was a senior advisor to the European Universities Association's EUIMA project on Collaborative Research and a Governor of St. Mary's University, Twickenham. His academic activities have also included membership of the Quality Assurance Forum for Universities in Singapore and his being a Governor of Henley Management College.
Beyond his academic life, he is the chair of the trustees of the Friends of Fulbourn Hospital & the Community as well as a Mental Health Act Manager for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. He is vice-chair of the trustees of the Walsingham Trust. He is Company Secretary of the Cambridge City Foodbank of which, until recently, he was chair of trustees. He is also a former chair and trustee of the Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau.. He is also a former trustee of Citizens Advice.