30 June 2022

It has certainly been a busy time in the lodge this last couple of weeks. Quiet period ended with exams finishing and various students wandering into the college covered in champagne and flour in some cases! Many undergrad students have now left the college for the summer recess, and we all wish them well, in whatever they decide to occupy themselves with over the summer.
The College has survived the May ball (literally in my case) as can be seen on the survivors photo this year. I must say having not had a summer ball since the pandemic this was a real sign that the college is getting back to normal. The May ball committee have done a wonderful job especially regarding the fact that they had no previous experience to draw on. All went well, ably assisted by the college Fire Officer, who deserves a special mention for his patience and advice that made sure the May ball was a great success.
Above:Dave Cook: Fire and H&S Officer
This week we are gearing up for the Graduation taking place on Friday. This year it is especially poignant, as it will be the last Graduation, for our much loved and respected Deputy Head Porter Paul Bass. He has been a main stay in the lodge for so many years and will be sorely missed when he retires at the end of the year. It is no word of a lie to say it has been an honour and a privilege to have worked with Paul over the last thirteen years.
Above: Paul Bass, Deputy Head Porter
But as ever in the Lodge, there is no rest for the wicked, as after the graduation ceremony on Friday the college is literally straight into the summer conference season. We are all looking forward to seeing old friends, with the likes of Richmond Law and Tennessee University, coming back to stay at the college.
Love The Plodge