
The Economics course at Cambridge does not provide a vocational training in management or business. Instead, the course teaches a range of skills which will enable students to analyse complex economic, political and social questions. These skills include the use of economic theory, interpretation of economic data, mathematical model building, as well as political, ethical and historical analysis of economic issues.

The questions examined and methods employed are wide-ranging. The course is divided into three parts; Part I, Part IIA and Part IIB. Part I, taken in the first year, provides an introduction to micro- and macro-economics, mathematics, statistics, political aspects of economics, and British economic history. Typically, a week’s teaching involves 12-15 lectures provided by the Economics Faculty on the Sidgwick Site, and two to three supervisions provided by the College. Economics supervisions at Emmanuel are usually attended by two or three students, and for Part I the majority of the supervisors are usually Economics Fellows from the College. Students are required to prepare written work for each supervision, which involves solving mathematical economic problems or writing an essay. The supervisions are informal, and provide an excellent opportunity for students to ask questions and deepen their knowledge. Part IIA is taken in the second year and Part IIB in the third year. Part IIA tends to concentrate upon extensions to economic theory, while Part IIB includes some applications of that theory. In both years there is scope to specialise in varied aspects of the subject. In Part IIA, options include trade and development economics, the economics of the labour market, mathematical economics and econometrics, history and philosophy of economics, as well as several papers in politics and sociology provided by the Faculty of Human Social and Political Sciences. In Part IIB students choose two specialist papers (from the wide selection available) and also write a dissertation. The option papers can be divided between those that are mathematical, those that are sociological, and those that apply economic theory to particular markets or problems, for example the economics of the public sector or development economics. The full range of options is shown on the Faculty website. In Parts IIA and Part IIB, supervisions are provided by a combination of the Economics Fellows at Emmanuel and specialist supervisors often from other colleges. Economics graduates go on to a wide range of jobs, but especially to jobs in finance, government, technology and industry. While the Economics course at Cambridge is not focused upon business or management, it nevertheless teaches some skills which are valuable in any working environment and which make economics graduates attractive to employers. Just as the Economics course can encompass many different interests and views, so the careers followed by Economics graduates are extremely varied.

Admissions Information

Standard Offer: A-level - A*A*A; IB - 776 at Higher Level, 42 points overall; Advanced Highers: A1A1A2; other exam systems.
Course Requirements: A-level (or equivalent) Mathematics is essential. Further Maths is not a requirement for admission, but is highly desirable: in recent years 90% or more of economics offers across the University have gone to applicants who are taking A-level Further Maths or equivalent. An A-level (or equivalent) in an essay-writing subject is also valuable. The course page on the university website gives details of what subjects Economics students have studied.
Course Outline: Further course details are available on the Faculty's website.
Applying: For information on how to apply: University application process and Emmanuel application timeline.
Submitted Work: This College does not require applicants to submit written work.
Admissions Assessment:

All applicants will take the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA). You must register - separately from your UCAS application - in advance to take the relevant pre-registration assessment. Information on the assessment format is available online.

Registration Deadline - Monday 16 September 2024

Assessment Date - Wednesday 16 or Thursday 17 October 2024

Interviews: Candidates should normally expect two interviews. The interviews will take place during the period Monday 9 - Wednesday 18 December 2024. Specific subject dates will be emailed to applicants in November.

20-30 minutes before one or both interviews, applicants will be given a short text (on a topic in economics, contemporary UK economic policy or British economic history). A discussion of this text will form part of the interview. No specialised knowledge of economics or economic history will be expected. The ability to evaluate evidence and develop an argument clearly is what counts.

The interview process will also include discussion of some maths problems.
Course Enquires: Emmanuel Admissions Office