Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is an exciting course that covers the languages and cultures of the Middle East and East Asia.

If you are in Year 11 or 12, you may be interested in our AMES Taster Workshops.

While learning languages that are extremely relevant to our global world—and learning them to a quasi-native level of proficiency—you explore various aspects of the culture(s) you have chosen to specialize in. Our curriculum offers variety and flexibility. From the second year you will be able to focus on fields that you are interested in, including history, literature, classical languages, politics, film studies, among other disciplines. For a detailed description of the course please visit the Faculty webpage.

No previous knowledge of the languages we teach is required. So, you can learn them from scratch with us and obtain an impressive level at the point of graduation. But what we expect from you is a real passion for these languages and cultures, as learning them can be quite intense! So, bring your enthusiasm and be prepared to enjoy intellectual challenges that will open unexpected horizons and wonderful career opportunities.

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is often referred to as a “small subject”. This means that the majority of your academic training takes place in the Faculty: lectures, seminars, and supervisions.

Emmanuel College welcomes students who are interested in studying any of the areas covered in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. It is particularly ideal for students who are interested in Japanese Studies. The Director of Studies, Dr Laura Moretti, has received a number of teaching awards and is really passionate about teaching Japanese language and culture to the young generations. If you study Japanese at Emmanuel College, you will be offered a weekly 1:1 supervision across the three terms in your first and second year. This is on top of the supervisions organized at the Faculty level. These college supervisions are tailored to your specific needs. You can see Dr Moretti “in action” in a number of videos designed as tasters for secondary-school pupils as well as in videos that showcase her Faculty teaching:

Emmanuel College also gives you a fantastic opportunity for your Year Abroad, which will take place in the third year. Emmanuel College, in fact, has an established link with Rikkyo University. Located at the heart of Tokyo, Rikkyo University is a highly-ranked private university. If you decide to go to Rikkyo University in your year abroad, you will be enrolled in a variety of language classes and you can also pursue your own interests by choosing from a wide range of classes designed for Japanese students. Tuition fees and, for one student, even dorm fees will be covered. The exchange with Rikkyo University also involves a summer programme, that takes place every year in September at Emmanuel College and that will give you the opportunity to make Japanese friends and practice your language, while acquiring teaching experience as teaching assistants. Of course, you can also opt for other choices for your Year Abroad. Hear more from one of our previous students, who went to Japan with the prestigious MEXT scholarship, studied at Sophia University, and even won a prestigious national prize at the15th National Japanese Speech Contest in 2020.

Our students also undertake exciting research in their final year for their dissertation project. You can hear more about some of these projects here.

Altogether Emmanuel College provides you with a warm community of students like you who share a passion for Middle Eastern and East Asian languages and cultures.

Admissions Information

Standard Offer: A-level - A*AA; IB - 776 at Higher Level, 42 points overall; Advanced Highers: A1A2A2; other exam systems.
Course Requirements: No specific subjects, unless combining with a modern European language, in which case an A-level (or equivalent) in the European language is required. The course page on the university website gives details of what subjects Asian and Middle Eastern students have studied.

Course Outline: Further details are available on the Faculty's website.
Applying: For information on how to apply: University application process and Emmanuel application timeline.
Submitted Work: This College does not require applicants to submit written work.
Admissions Assessment: This College does not require applicants to take an assessment for this subject, unless you have selected a modern language (MML) as one of your options. Date of MML assessment: Thursday 21 November 2024.

Candidates should normally expect two interviews. The interviews will take place during the period Monday 9 - Wednesday 18 December 2024. Specific subject dates will be emailed to applicants in November.

Applicants will be given an unseen reading passage to study 20-30 minutes before one of the interviews. A discussion of the reading will form part of the interview.

Course Enquiries: Emmanuel Admissions Office