History of Art

The History of Art Department at Cambridge offers a three-year undergraduate Tripos course leading to the BA degree. The Tripos is designed for those who wish to study the history, criticism and theory of the figurative arts and of architecture, based on that available in Cambridge.

Admissions Information

Standard Offer: A-level - A*AA; IB - 776 at Higher Level, 42 points overall; Advanced Highers: A1A2A2; other exam systems.
Course Requirements: No specific subjects, but applicants are strongly encouraged to develop their foreign language skills. The course page on the university website gives details of what subjects History of Art students have studied.
Course Outline: Further details are available on the Department's website.
Applying: For information on how to apply: University application process and Emmanuel application timeline.
Submitted Work: This College does not require applicants to submit written work.
Admissions Assessment:

This College does not require applicants to take an assessment for this subject.

Interviews: Candidates should normally expect two interviews. The interviews will take place during the period Monday 9 - Wednesday 18 December 2024. Specific subject dates will be emailed to applicants in November.
Course Enquiries: Emmanuel Admissions Office