Cookies are small files which sit on your computer and record specific interactions between you and this website, and in some cases, other websites.
This information is sometimes shared with the University of Cambridge, and in other cases, third parties. Below is more detail about the cookies we use, what they record and who the information is shared with. You are of course free to disable cookies.
Emmanuel College Cookie Values
- viewporty, viewportx, resolution, pixeldensity: Used to adapt images on your device to the look sharp whilst not using excessive bandwidth.
- CFTOKEN, CFID, CFGLOBALS, CFCLIENT_EMMANUEL: This site has been created using Adobe Coldfusion and these are the cookie values used by that language to enable it to function.
External Cookie Values
In addition there are various embedded elements from external sites, such as Twitter, which store information in this website's cookie.
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics data to help us keep it running smoothly. Data collected by Google on our behalf is retained for 26 months and then deleted.
University of Cambridge
Additional information about cookie values stored on University of Cambridge sites